Hey guys, I am back! Sorry for not posting the updated happening on Club Penguin for 4-5 days. But now I am back! Today, Spanish Club Penguin Blog Author: Tato Maxx has posted a new blog on the What's New Spanish Blog. The title of it says 'EPF Crime Scene'. Here is the Sneak Peek:
So, as you can see this is the Plaza. And I also want to point out that some of the icons on the bottom bar are old like the ( ? ) and the home button. I don't what this is, but I think that this is the part of upcoming missions of the EPF. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Yesterday, Spike Hike posted a tweet to his Twitter account giving us a Sneak Peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013 in which Members can become dinosaurs. Take a quick look at the tweet:
And if you click on the link it will take you to the image. Take a look:
Well, well, well. Aren't you noticing that this transformation thing becoming a regular thing during the parties, I mean except for the Operation Blackout all the parties from the Halloween Party till now are having some transformation. Well, I like it. So what do you think of this transformations into dinosaurs? Let us know in the comments or also on my Twitter page! 

A lot of Sneak Peeks are on the way as the Club Penguin Team is constantly posting on thier What's New blog. Just earlier today I posted a sneak peek of the Treasure Hunt which will take place during the party. And now maybe a few hours later a new blog post is made by Polo Field . Here take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Holiday Party so far. You guys had some great guesses on what’s coming up for January.

For those of you who guessed a dino party, you're absolutely right!
We'll be traveling back in time to visit prehistoric Club Penguin! Can't wait for you guys to check it out!

Waddle On!
 -Club Penguin Team
Let me guess is this the Dock? No, the Beach? Maybe, the Iceberg? Maybe. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below

Club Penguin did post and blog post in the German What's new blog and today Polo Field posted an english version of the sneak peek. Take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!
The team’s been working on a brand new party for January. Want to see a sneak peek? Here you go!
Stay tuned to the blog for more info in the coming weeks!
Waddle On!
 -Club Penguin Team
The title given to this image is 'Treasure_Hunt' so I guess there will be some treasure hunt during the Club Penguin Prehistoric Party 2013. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Guys, did you visit the Snow Forts lately? If you did then you will know that the billboard's coin counter is broken because of so many donations it cannot even show the number. On a happier note: Spike Hike posted a sneak peek of the Club Penguin Prehistoric Party taking place in January 2013. He tweeted about it! Take a look:
And you might have guessed what is this place? Well, it is the plaza! Wow, it doesn't even look like the Plaza in the Present! So, the Holiday Party 2012 is getting over :( . But wait only after a few more days the Prehistoric Party is going to start! Can't wait! So, are you looking forward to this party? Let us know in the comments!

As Club Penguin has told us many times before that there will be Arctic White color this year, and as the Holiday Party is at the end of the year we all thought that it will release during it! But for a week or so no information came about it! But yesterday I mean on December 18th 2012: Spike Hike on his Twitter account confirmed that there will be Arctic White during the Holiday Party 2012! Take a quick look at the tweet:
And not only this: some people were thinking that it will be a member-only item or you need to unlock it from the treasure book with a code! But as you can see you have the proof: Spike Hike clearly mentioned in his tweet: it will be for EVERYONE!!! I can't wait till they release it! Will you buy it? Let us know in the comments!!
I was wondering why Club Penguin did not update the EPF HQ because the Operation Blackout ended a few weeks ago! Because Herbert destroyed the EPF HQ there are no more Field Ops in Club Penguin! I thought EPF has ended! But worry not, Club Penguin latest blog post tells us the answer! Here is the post by Polo Field:
Hey Agents!

Now that Operation Blackout is over, many of you have been asking what's coming next for the EPF. We're super excited because we've got some BIG ideas, and we can't wait to share them with you! 

Here are some rough sketches of something we're working on:
Look interesting? Leave a comment and let us know if you have any cool ideas for new EPF missions... We'd love to hear what you think!

Waddle On, Agents!
 -Club Penguin Team
So what do you think? By looking at the pictures I can guess that maybe there will be a big computer somewhere on the island which will alert you if you have any new missions! Do you have any ideas for the EPF? Let us know in the comments!

Polo Field has sent few Club Penguin bloggers a e-mail upon request. There are Sneak Peeks of the Holiday Party 2012! Perapin and Ducky908. Unfortunately I could not ask them to post this on my blog as they are offline. So I am posting them anyway: but if Perapin or Ducky908 want these images to be removed, I will have no problem with that! Here are the sneak-peek images:
Nice blog Pin!
Merry Christmas Ducky!
Let me guess: the first Sneak Peek is of the Ski Village and OMG!! our EPF HQ will be turned into Santa's Office? The second Sneak Peek is from the Bakery or the Recycling Room, I am not so sure! But make sure to visit Perapin's and Ducky's blog and give them a thumbs-up for the Sneak Peeks!

Do you have questions on the Holiday Party 2012! like: When does it start? Which all mascots will be arriving? Where do I get the new emotes? - stay no more confused because Club Penguin has posted in thier What's New Blog which pretty much answers all the common question you and I have got. Here take a look at the post:

Hello Penguins!

Hope you're as excited about the upcoming party as we are! We've heard lots of different questions from you, so I thought we'd answer a few of them here on the blog.

When does the party start?
Next week - December 20!

Which mascot will be visiting? Will Aunt Arctic be here this year?
Rockhopper will be here on his own this year to give more people the chance to meet him! You can
bet he'll be telling fantastical, festive stories and causing a ruckus with snowball fights at the Dock and the Beach. He may even be giving out a new free background...
Where do I get the new Cookie, Blue Music Notes and Frozen Smiley emotes?
The new emotes are going to be added to the Emote menu in everyone's chat bar December 20 till January 2! Here's what you'll see:
Use 'em like crazy, because they'll only be available during the Holiday Party!

How do I win the holiday Igloo Contest?
The Holly Jolly Igloo Contest starts TODAY! Judges will be looking for creativity, originality, and tons of holiday cheer. For more details, check this week's Club Penguin Times.

And if you see a igloo that YOU think deserves attention, post it in the comments below! We'll make sure the judges see it

Happy Holidays and Waddle On!
 -Club Penguin Team

Cool! At least we got our questions answered. And we know that Rockhopper is visiting the island. But the sad part is the three cool and new emotes will only be available during the party. So like it said in the post use them like crazy! What do you think? Do you have any more questions? Let us know in the comments!

A Spanish website called Terra revealed some new information about the Holiday Party 2012! Here take a look:
Club Penguin invites children to celebrate this holiday with great innovations.

From December 20 through January 2, Club Penguin players can explore an island full of Christmas gifts and initiatives and fun activities to do and share with other users:

• Coins for Change: On Christmas eve, will be held the sixth annual campaign Coins for Change, the global initiative of donated virtual coins to help with charitable causes around the world. To collect coins, users can perform a variety of activities, from organizing benefit concerts in their igloos to play any of the mini games on the island. For the first time, players can see in real time how their currencies rise over the party and also the total amount of coins donated in the virtual world.

• Visit one of the most famous penguin: Rockhopper, the pirate dearest, will visit the island and bring some cookies recipe very special, and will also present a complete catalog of exclusive themed objects.

• Transformation of the players: They can bake cookies in the bakery, and then sell virtually any user who momentarily transformed into race cars. In addition, partners will have the opportunity to become puffles-frozen reindeer and penguins, who can become everything that has ice around him, including his friends.

• Costumes and exclusive furniture for igloos: Children can dress up and be creative sets Christmas special items for members. In addition, there will be a new edition of the catalog "Sports and Snow", with amazing costumes sled.

• New facilities: There will be several exclusive rooms decorated with novel, such as the kingdom of ice in the spring, the banquet at the Pizzeria and the race track at the Gift Shop for penguins turned into cars, the battle of snowballs on the beach, and a play space for puffles-reindeer in the forest.

• Christmas Gift: All players who log between 20 and December 25 will receive
virtual gifts including Christmas. Also, between 25 December and 2 January, they will award the white for their penguins, which were eagerly awaiting, and there will be a special surprise exclusively for members. Also, those who help distribute gifts to receive special prizes.
Cool, isn't it? And at last the White colour is acctually gonna be released by Club Penguin! Thanks to Monchocho for this information. What do you think about the party? Let us know in the comments below!


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